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Kiara Mark

My name is Kiara Klark and I have completed my Master of Library From Australia. 

Australia plans to balance books in pre-election budget

CANBERRA, Australia — The Australian government has unveiled a plan to balance the national budget next year and pay off all debt in a decade as it prepares for a general election next month.

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg on Tuesday outlined a strategy to deliver a 7.1 billion Australian dollar ($5 billion) surplus in the fiscal year starting July 1 while promising tax cuts and cash handouts to most Australians.



Living books offer insight into the lives of others

Celebrating Harmony Day, the Living Library is designed to build a positive framework for conversations that challenge assumptions, prejudices and stereotypes.

Assumptions, prejudices and stereotypes can be experienced by racial or religious groups or minorities, people with disabilities or diverse sexual orientations.

Multicultural Australia has long experienced patterns of discrimination, with many Italian migrants describing the difficulties of integrating in the early years, particularly in the world war period.

Nowadays, other migrant groups or minorities are at a greater risk of discrimination, although Italian stereotypes like the Godfather or Super Mario are still widely diffused.

The event offers an opportunity for community members to ask questions and gain insight into other people’s life experiences.


State Library and Rio Tinto recognised for improving literacy

The Pinnacle Awards are one of Western Australia’s most reputable business awards. The award includes leadership and management training to the value of $20,000 to be donated to a charity of the recipient’s choice.

Rio Tinto and the State Library won the award for their long-term partnership and commitment to improving literacy rates in the State, through the vehicle of the Better Beginnings Family Literacy Program.

Over the 15 years of the partnership, 700,000 Better Beginnings reading packs have been provided to Western Australian families. The program now reaches 96 per cent of families with newborn babies and 98 per cent of kindergarten students.

National Library of Australia Inked exhibition draws from more than 200 years of cartoons

Cartoons are more than just visual gags which provide a momentary diversion.

Like the work of filmmakers, writers and journalists, they hold up a mirror to Australia and invite us to reflect on what is going on in our society.

They help generate the cultural capital that makes our society work.

At their very best, they capture the zeitgeist or puncture the spin of politicians.

People from overseas are often surprised at how robust political commentary is here and how robust the cartoonists are.


Explore: https://www.nambuccaguardian.com.au/story/5965001/inked-into-history-cartoons-tell-story-of-us/?cs=13342